十分感謝您們的耐性和幫助 ! 您們對學生的事宜的照顧、效率 ,都令我對您們充滿信心。無論我有多麻煩您們 , Connie及 Wendy都十分耐心及詳細地跟進我的問題 ,這是令我最感謝的 ,您們親切的態度及笑容都會留在我心。是您們令我能順利往澳洲 ,希望將來能請您們大吃一頓吧 !

Deki Leung


過左澳洲成年 ,依家先返黎探班 ,真係唔好意思 !! Macquarie讀書都 ok. Thank you Connie介紹俾我。 依家我都有 d 朋友仔經 Super Red 到 Oversea 讀書。今次上黎除左探班 ,仲要搵佢地幫手整 enrollment既野 , 起初仲以為佢地唔會點理我 ,話晒都成年 ,不過 Connie& Wendy都好好人 ,好 nice咁幫我。 Thanks Connie & Wendy!

Chloe Ting



終於入到大學 ,總算覺得當初並沒有選擇錯 ,在 MU讀書感覺不錯 ,多謝 Super Red,特別係 Connie說服到我家人 ,雖然得自己一個人過去 ,但擴闊到自己的生活圈子 ,總算有所得著 ,每次你地都幫我處理學費 ,深感抱歉 ,希望你地唔好介意。最後 ,在金融危機下 ,祝福每個人心想事成 , 身體健康 。

Ken Kwok



Thank you very much for everything! You’re all really nice and professional! As you never seem to find my mum annoying! Thanks for helping me and Natalie (my elder sister). I don’t really know what else to say now except MANY THANKS! I’m sure I’m going to have a lot of fun in Australia and I will study hard! Keep in touch!

Janet Sung



Australia is a quite good place for studying. I am studying in Adelaide where a multi-national’s city is, always shiny and nice people are found. My host family is also a good place for me which can be said to be my second home, they are nice to me, always care about my life there, their cooking is delicious too! Studying in Adelaide is a good choice because students can balance between academic and entertainment well. Therefore, come and study in Adelaide!!

Dasiy Lui



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